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June 02, 2008


the communicatrix

Are you kidding? A post about how the first big outing you went on after 10 months holed up with a newborn was for RATTLESNAKE HUNTING?!

Uh, yeah, Dave. You're going to get comments.

The Missus

Umm... Yeah. If your friend Mark ever wants to come to Arizona to look at Rattlesnakes, he can stay with my parents.

We get Rattlers around the house all the time. We also get scorpions and tarantulas. Oh yeah, and javelinas.


ditch the hat

Dave G

Communicatrix - Apparently so! I thought no one cared about rattlesnakes :-)

Missus - Oh yes, Mark has been to Arizona. He spent an entire night chasing tarantulas, scorpions and mice. No joke.

Brian - Yeah, seriously, but I had to bring it for the bug net. I stopped wearing a baseball hat after I got married.


Caring for a newborn, I have heard from many sources I just made up, is remarkably similar to cornering an elusive rattlesnake.

Dave G

Stephen - very much so except our daughter's venom is much less powerful.

Laurie Schneider

My wife saw a rattler on our property in Otis, Maine. How do I contact Pete? She wants the $500. Also, she wants the snake gone.

simon and simone

they must be coming out now in the warmth, we saw three very dark rattlers on the trails near greylock reservation in mass, and two were shown to us in pownal, vt, one of the little ones crawled out of the guy's livingroom wall! and across the bare floor and laid byt he woodstove!! Jason is his name and he said he is worried neighbors will start killing them if they discover the foundation of his old barn has a den in it.

very neat outing and story, I so surprised the snakes we saw never rattled, one never coiled up jsut kept moving along , I like how they carry their tail up in the air, kinda cute but must be for a reason?

Anna Clawson

We have killed three rattlesnakes within 10 ft of our front door on our 20 acre property in Central Cal, Kern River Valley, Lake Isabella area, were thinking we have a den nearby, I'm really worried for my dogs and small grandchildren, we spend every week-end on this property. I don't like killing them but I don't know what else to do to protect the family.....I want them all gone.......


I saw a rattlesnake in maine, but it was just one, not a den of them. 100% positive it was a rattlesnake.


My uncle was bitten by a rattler at Great Moose Pond in Hartland quite a long time ago. If they were there then, probably their numbers are greater now. Snakes don't read the books saying where they are and aren't.

Ginger Marie

While raking up leaves alongside our drive, I uncovered a young rattler in Augusta Maine last week. No one believes me, but.. is there another snake that looks like a rattlesnake and makes a rattling noise with its tail?

mark lotterhand

Several species of snakes rattle their tail to mimic rattlesnake. When it is done against dry leaves it can be quite a ruse. The main culprit in NE is the Milk Snake. The coloration of this animal is so striking that many just assume it is that of a Timber Rattlesnake (or Copperhead)once a rattle sound is accompanied with this animal. In extreme SW ME there used to be Timbers. A few may be left at some isolated locale - but the state denies it


I know of a den of rattlesnakes within 20 miles of sanford, maine. DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE BEEN EXTERPATED FROM THE STATE. NERD will lie thru their teeth to protect these poisonous creatures. Best rattlesnake is a dead one. But, do NOT believe they are extinct here, New England Reptile Distributors go to great lengths to deny their existence and protect the potentially deadly animals

mark lotterhand

Patsy I will offer $200 for this location - if interested - my email is [email protected]

Give it a winters thought if need be

Kevin McCurley

Well, I am the owner of NERD and I don't DENY any of this!!!!!

I can only wish that there are still Timbers in Maine!!!!!!!

I would LOVE it if thee are TImbers in Maine....I can only hope and still believe that there are some.


Jackie Fortin

I came across one small rattlesnake in Leeds, Maine about 5 years ago. Small one, just 3 rattles, but everyone thought i was nuts. Im glad others have seen them.

Hermes Outlet

It does not follow that because we do not subsidize smoking, we should not regulate unhealthy activities. Costs and savings are not the only variable. The fact that obesity creates costs is merely an additional reason to regulate it, not the only one. The main reason is its danger to an individual. You are dismissive of subsidizing smoking precisely because of this moral intuition.

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  • Dave Greten is a 36 year old writer/editor/web designer living in Boston. He is married with a daughter and has a B.A. in English from the University of New Hampshire.

    Dave works for home improvement superstar Bob Vila. This is ironic because Dave grew up in a condo and has never even mowed a lawn.

Ira and Me


  • This is Dave Greten's personal website and the opinions contained within it are strictly his own. None of the stated opinions on this website necessarily reflect the opinions of any organization of which he is a member.