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April 09, 2008



My condolences, Dave. My grandmother is 102, so I live with the thought of this always in the background. God bless.

Dave G

Suldog - thank you for the condolences. These past couple of months have been an intensely emotional time for me so comments like yours are particularly nice to receive.


I'm so sorry to read about this. I think we all have relationships with our grandparents which are special, in ways totally different than with our parents. Condolences to your family.

Dave G

Neil - thank you. I didn't realize how important my grandmother was to me until she was gone. I didn't think I'd cry, but I did.

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  • Dave Greten is a 36 year old writer/editor/web designer living in Boston. He is married with a daughter and has a B.A. in English from the University of New Hampshire.

    Dave works for home improvement superstar Bob Vila. This is ironic because Dave grew up in a condo and has never even mowed a lawn.

Ira and Me


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