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July 02, 2007


Colleen Wainwright

I'd say the same thing about Germany and my ancestors, too, only mine were, you know, Jews, so I'm kinda glad they relocated. I loved my trip there, too--such beauty and order and amazing cities--but I confess to feeling a bit uneasy the entire time. FWIW.

To completely change the subject, congratu-f**king-lations! And boy, howdy--now we know that Dave Greten sure can keep a secret!

Dave Greten

Hey Communicatrix,
What you say is very true and I'll agree it was a wise migration. I suppose my ancestors' migration was a good idea too considering they didn't have to endure the war and their hands were not marked with the stain of genocide. Thank God.

Did you ever read "The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay"? That book gave me a lot of insight into how Jews had to deal with anti-Semitism during the 30s and 40s. A real eye-opener.


That made me laugh out loud and thank you :-)

Colleen Wainwright

Funny you should mention K+C--I'm reading it now. Or I should say, I'm reading it while I'm at The BF's. I keep a stack of books at both pads and dammit, this cold has kept me from finishing a truly spectacular novel. That Mike Chabon sure can write, can't he?

Dave Greten

>That Mike Chabon sure can write, can't he?<

He's one of those guys (him and Eggers) who write so well it sometimes makes me angry. Envy is a horrible, horrible thing.


great news, dave. congrats & love the name!

for neat baby gear & other cool stuff, you might want to check out Grass Roots Modern (http://grassrootsmodern.com/). the author of that blog just had a baby ...

A guy named Dan

funny way to find out the sex and name of your baby. Technology! What a world we live in.

Great pics!

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  • Dave Greten is a 36 year old writer/editor/web designer living in Boston. He is married with a daughter and has a B.A. in English from the University of New Hampshire.

    Dave works for home improvement superstar Bob Vila. This is ironic because Dave grew up in a condo and has never even mowed a lawn.

Ira and Me


  • This is Dave Greten's personal website and the opinions contained within it are strictly his own. None of the stated opinions on this website necessarily reflect the opinions of any organization of which he is a member.