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March 11, 2007


Colleen Wainwright

Holy crap--that may be the best celeb photo ever. I just showed it to The BF and he agreed. And I have a total crush on Ira Glass, so I'd do the same thing.

No, I wouldn't. I'd make a gigantic ass of myself and get him to pose with me on purpose.

Dave Greten

Communicatrix - I'm glad you got a kick out of the photo :-) I am smiling so hard in it partly because I was imagining how funny it would look. There was a huge crowd in front of Glass the whole time.


Fine, I'll get the podcast. Some radio shows have kept me sitting in the parking lot too, so you got me curious. The timing is good: I had just decided to stop with the ADD-oriented podcast of the New York Times front page.

Dave Greten

Mozza - you won't regret it. Get a good one like "My Experimental Phase." Actually, you can't go wrong with any of the ones listed here: http://www.thislife.org/pages/favorites.html

The Missus

I keep coming back to this entry because I get such a kick out of it! It's HILARIOUS!

Who took it? Your missus? It's an awesome photo!


I'd second that question, Dave - who took the pic?

I have to get back into my NPR kick and check this out. All Things Considered was my previous program of choice until I got (oddly) hooked on Car Talk.

You know what would make this picture even better? A thumbs-up and a slight head-tilt.

Dave G

Missus, Charmaine - Glad you both got a kick out of the photo. I was laughing as it was being taken and I like having it framed under the title "Ira and Me."

To answer your question, Em's friend Brie took it. She used to a be a staff photographer for her college newspaper and I think she may have done it on a semi-professional basis after that as well.

I can't tell you how lucky I am that so many people I know take good photos. They pretty much make the blog, I just package it.


I had the time to listen to this week's podcast before my iPod got stolen. I was really impressed with the Iraqi translator - I worked with Iraqis in the past and found that same wisdom, something that is just common sense to their daily life, but cuts much deeper from our perspective.

I'll revert to the favorites once I get a new iPod...

Dave G

Mozza - I'm sorry to hear about your iPod being stolen. Your bike was stolen some time ago too, no? I'd be so furious if that happened to me, I would probably break something.

My iPod and my bike are my two possessions that I never let out of my sight. I believe Boston is one of the top ten cities for bike theft.


(blushing) Ahem... My iPod turned out in the pockets of my other coat. I was totally absolutely sure I had left it at work andd it had disappeared over the week-end. I had even reported it to security. Then, 2 days later, I put the other coat on and...

I called security to apologize, so I thought I'd do the same here. Yes, I got my bike stolen a few months back - excellent memory. I just bought a new one, which I should receive in the next few days.

I listened to half of the golden age episode so far and like it very much, even though I'm new to most American TV. I'm addicted to West Wing (although I'm in the slump of early season 5) and my girlfriend put me through all 7 seasons of Sex and the City and now Felicity. It beats a lot of blockbusters.

Dave G

Good to hear about your iPod recovery. Also, happy to hear you are getting a new bike. Tales of bike theft stick with me.

While we are talking TV, you might want to give "Deadwood" a chance. It is setting all kinds of records with swearing and violence, one website speculates a swear is uttered every 45 seconds, but I think it is our first accurate depiction of the American wild west.

The Missus

Seriously dude... I keep coming back to this blog entry, even a year later, just to see the picture.

It's such a brilliant photo.


Sooooo - I now WORK at an NPR station:) Want to pose for some other ridiculously humourous photos for me? How does Bill Littlefield sound?


Iam a student.I see the bike in ghostrider flim.iam requestin you to give me the features about the bike.iamwaiting for the reply.
yours faithfuly

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  • Dave Greten is a 36 year old writer/editor/web designer living in Boston. He is married with a daughter and has a B.A. in English from the University of New Hampshire.

    Dave works for home improvement superstar Bob Vila. This is ironic because Dave grew up in a condo and has never even mowed a lawn.

Ira and Me


  • This is Dave Greten's personal website and the opinions contained within it are strictly his own. None of the stated opinions on this website necessarily reflect the opinions of any organization of which he is a member.